“A total game-changer. This is no escapist nostalgia but a living, exploratory art of real power.” - James Weeks, director of EXAUDI

“Idrîsî Ensemble yielded one of the most brilliant interpretations of trobairitz music I have ever heard. I can’t wait to hear what will follow from them.” - Clément Variéras, Radio Presenter (Paris)


Idrîsî, Idrissi, al-Idrisi, Edrisi


Idrîsî, an esteemed Muslim cartographer who received his education in Cordoba, embarked on a journey to Sicily at the invitation of Norman King Roger II. In this diverse cultural milieu, he created a revolutionary world map. His work and travels are the symbol of a rich and unified world beyond borders and beliefs. Through his meticulous methods, the seamless blending of ancient Ptolemaic principles with contemporary techniques, and the integration of varied strategies and viewpoints, Idrîsî fostered a novel vision of the world.